Thursday, March 29, 2012

Stamp propject Week 2

The last stamps I have designed in series of 55c,95c, €1.35, €1.95
Using Illustrator for drawing the caracters and photoshop for the rest of the design.

Walk for energy, all the family walking
Walk for life, Going to school by walk
Walk the walk, which  mother Shopping

Built to walk, as always father must work and walk hard to keep his family healthy and happy

My designed Stamp border light blue with shadow.

Creased stamp with a light background
after I creased Stamp and burnt the borders

A pinhole picture of two stamps in big size
Professional man walking
World map with
A silhouette of a walker on halftones
Design for fun

kind of imagination when we swap cars by shoes.
you have to not to pay your parking if u walk in city
Shoes Parking in Limerick city
New cars in Limerick city
Shoes Parking illustration l made
Walking better to drive
No cars left
Back ground of a stamp.
Work I have made
Stamp design without border which I have designed
Halftones with different saturation

To fight Global warming and Desrtification is by different way of walk, walk to work, walk to school, walk for shopping and walk to keep us healthy, in some ways all thes walks
would help to reduce Carbon dioxid CO2 in the planet.

Hair tones phone related to the desertification

A concept of a graphist

An Idea from an Artist

A picture illustrating walk

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Global Warming

This is the Prezi link of my presentation.

Global warming
refers to the rising average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans, which began to increase in the late 19th century and is projected to continue rising. Since the early 20th century, Earth's average surface temperature has increased by about 0.8 °C, with about two thirds of the increase occurring since 1980.  15/03/2012

Stamp of The commemoration of Anti-nuclear test February 13, 1960 in Algeria.

Illustration of global warming

 These chimneys have been burning since the Oil was discovred in Algeria 1956
 , and every year they discover new oil well....

 A panoramic picture from Algerian Sahara desert
 Desertification in the world map.
causes Global Warming

Drought illustration by an artist

Sandstorm in North Africa picture from satellite

Western Oil base in algerian Desert,
you can see the rest of the horison all empty and arid.
Powerful western oil companies.. think only about getting oil. 

Illustration made by an artist
Argentina arist, Global warming Red Cross compain
An other Idea to sensitize tourist living in cold part of the world which they have part of the problem of Global warming
Some ideas to promot green energy

Some Logos must been seen in many part of the world

Support the local organic Market
Some ideas of stamps which I have found.

A compaing supporting plantation of trees and species
Unicef chlid protection
The French Red Cross compain using Asterix cartoon.
Compain against deforestation in France
a well designed Malaysian stamp

You can peel the stamp and you smell coffee.
 1) The package appear more than once all the information in Braille, which is a sort of 'sixth sense'.
 2) For the nose, scratching the stamp you get a flavor of coffee.
 3) The view is represented by holographic images in spectacle.
 4) The tactile sensation is manifested in the ink embossed protruding from the tube.
 5) The taste is identified by the vanilla flavor present in the rubber stamp depicting an ice cream.
 6) The hearing is requested by the noise produced by rubbing a nail file on the rough.

Comemoration of Brail bi-century

 Some alternatives ideas
let people go for a walk rather having a spin with a car.

People walking to work
 it is an other way to keep energy for the planet


Croatian Stamps

Mohamed Bouazizi the brave student